About StephenCERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER, NUTRITIONAL CONSULTANT, IFBB Professional bodybuilder Stephen Spaulding is a 22 year veteran of the personal training and fitness industry, who also currently competes in bodybuilding at the professional level in the IFBB league. Over 22 years of growing up in the industry and learning from the top industry leaders, Stephen has worked with virtually every possible type of client imaginable. This ranges from: high school & collegiate athletes, overweight clients, underweight clients, fitness and bodybuilding competitors, diabetics, rehab patients, etc. Stephen has been a certified personal fitness trainer since 2002. Since then, he has obtained multiple certifications including these few: -Ace personal training and nutritional consultant certification -Ace C.E.C. (continued education courses) -Certified Massage Therapist (Everest Institute) -Stephen then renewed his certification in 2008 through a more modern, updated program called the S.M.A.R.T. certification program that was designed from the highly respected mind of fitness guru Dave Palumbo. -Numerous fitness seminars/ and or weekend retreats -Attended classes on fitness /personal training hosted by the fitness likes of Charles Glass, and Dave Palumbo. Even with such a busy schedule, Stephen always finds time to visit the less fortunate, speaks at schools to children and students about the importance of nutrition. Also, volunteers at local prison reformatories in the Central Ohio area talking to inmates about important issues of maintaining good physical and mental health. |